Parasite Smallville
Sorry about the mess, I try to tidy up a bit. This article or section needs to be to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Remove this message when finished. Parasite Information Real name: Rudy Jones Species: Base: Affiliations: Rogue of: Abilities: Absorption of victim's energy, powers, and knowledge via physical contact Voiced by: This article is Rudy Jones, the original Parasite. You may be looking for an article about. Parasite, real name Rudy Jones, was a former janitor who was transformed into an energy-draining creature and would later lead a life of crime.
Contents [] History Origin Rudy before he became Parasite. A janitor at, Rudy Jones had run into financial problems, namely losing at gambling, and soon fell in with. Jones agreed to steal a few experimental chemicals for Lebeau. In exchange, Lebeau would retire the debt to Rudy's bookie.
Superman #23.4 parasite #1 dc villain month 3d motion lenticular new 52 1st pr see more like this Superman #23.4 Parasite #1 3-D Variant Cover New 52 DC Comics X7 $3.67. Smallville: The Complete Series. He becomes the target of a crime. Meanwhile, Alex must find a way to stop Jensen/Parasite without incurring Colonel Haley’s. Parasite is a Superman villain capable of draining the energy of his victims. A number of versions of the character exist, the most prominent of which has been Rudy Jones. Raymond Maxwell Jensen was a lowlife who got a job as a plant worker for a research center.
However, they were intercepted by two security guards and made a run for it. Lebeau jumped into the truck and took off with Rudy still in the rear with the canisters. Lebeau's hasty and reckless driving toppled the canisters, bathing Jones in the chemicals. He begged Lebeau to stop the car but was dropped off the side of the road, unconscious. Hours later and left for dead, Rudy was sprung back to consciousness by draining the energy of a rat that came into contact with him. Jones took off and wandered aimlessly until a waylaid him.
Parasite Superman
Jones lunged at her and sapped her energy as well, discovering that he also could take her memories and mimic her voice. Parasite holds prisoner. Realizing his new power, he named himself the 'Parasite'. With his new powers and appearance, Parasite went to where he encountered Martin and tried to kill him, until arrived. Parasite grabbed Superman when he came too close and drained his powers, weakening him. He then used Superman's powers to commit a series of crimes, but he eventually began to lose them. Learning that his energy reserve was temporary, Parasite decided to get his power back.