Reddit's formatting is kind of lame like that. Panzer Dragoon Saga Shining Force III Sc. 1 Shining Force III Sc. 2 (translation patch) Shining Force III Sc.
3 (translation patch) Shining the Holy Ark Shining Wisdom Dragon Force Dragon Force II (translation patch) Blazing Heroes (aka Mystaria) Wachenroeder (guide online) Princess Crown (guide online, translation patch in development) Langrisser III (incomplete) Langrisser V (guide online) Albert Odyssey Grandia (incomplete translation guide online) Story of Thor 2 / Legend of Oasis Magic Knight Rayearth Dark Savior Sakura Taisen (guide online) Sakura Taisen II (guide online) Off the top of my head, that looks like most of the RPG, Action/RPG, or SRPGs. If you want to stretch the definition more, games like Guardian Heroes and D&D Collection have RPG elements. On this one: Shining Force III Sc. 1 If that's referring to the official Western release, wasn't that a hodgepodge retelling to make the story make sense in one installment without the other scenarios?
The list implies that you could play the official SFIII that came out in the West, then go from that into the fan translated Scenario 2 and 3. I don't that's the case? That's why they have a fan patch for Scenario 1 as well, because the official Western release changes the story and if you are going to play all three scenarios you have to play them as they originally were. That's my understanding.
Correct me if I'm wrong and the US SFIII is more accurate than I realize.
As of a stickied post from 2007, the PC-98 version was allegedly the next target after Saturn, and then 3DO last of all. However I think one of the main people behind the PlayStation translation said he had no interest in doing any others. It seems like each version has strengths and weaknesses.
The 3DO version supposedly had better framerate in the FMVs than the PlayStation version. For some reason 3DO seems more popular in Russia than you'd expect, and some Russian hackers were allegedly considering a translation into Russian, but I don't know if they did much. BTW the first 3DO fan translation was completed not too long ago -- Doctor Hauzer. Too bad the 3DO and Sega CD get so little love in the translation world!