Synopsis Magano, a parallel realm filled with monsters known as 'Kegare,' is a place where exorcists deal with all impurities. Benio Adashino is a prodigy exorcist who is recognized for her strength and is summoned to Tokyo by the Exorcist Union. On her way, she plummets into the arms of Rokuro Enmadou, a young exorcist with a troubled past. But the impurities of Magano do not rest. When these two exorcists witness a couple of children stolen by a Kegare, Benio rushes to save them, dragging Rokuro along with her into Magano. Engaged in a fight she is on the verge of being defeated in, Benio is saved by Rokuro, revealing himself capable of being her rival in talent.
Sousei no Onmyouji tells the story of two talented exorcists who are destined to become the 'Twin Star Exorcists' and the prophesised parents of the Miko—the reincarnation of Abe no Seimei—who will cleanse the world of all impurities. [Written by MAL Rewrite].
Overall 5 Story 4 Animation 5 Sound 8 Character 4 Enjoyment 5 I feel that these 8.5 words describe the entirety of this anime: “Cliche Archetype-filled Exorcist Shounen With Many Crappy Plot Twists” I have very mixed feelings about this show - Sometimes I thought, “Oh, this is such a cool kiddy shounen!” - Sometimes I became angry at how stupid and immature the characters were. - I often skipped through some of the many slow scenes and flashbacks. - Sometimes I even said, “Whoa!
Didn’t see that coming! Is this really a kids show? Wtf?” when some pretty dark things happened - However, most importantly, by the end I thought to myself “Wow, this is pretty fucking bad.” I honestly thought this show was going to be pretty average at first (5 out of 10).
Then I thought, “Oh wow! This is actually pretty good!” from 9 to 37-ish (7/10). However, towards the end the show started pulling both random and shitty plot twists out of its ass, and then shooting them at us like it’s a “shit machine-gun” (2/10). TL;DR at the end Story:(4/10) The story mainly follows two cliche and initially overpowered main protagonists named “Rokuro” and “Benio” as they overcome many hard trials thereby growing stronger and closer together displaying mild romance. They’re prophesized to be the “twin stars” or two chosen exorcists that will get married, have a baby, and the baby will be the most powerful exorcist called the “miko” (basically something like a baby Jesus that will save the world from all of the evil kegare monsters).
The evil kegare monsters are sealed in an alternate dimension called “megano”, where the exorcists must go to fight them. Almost all of the characters are slowly introduced with background stories that are supposed to be tragic, but their backgrounds came across as overly done to the point where it was kind of just stupid-silly after a while. The story emphasizes that Rokuro and Benio both want to get stronger. At a snail’s rate anyways, but no worries because they often get sudden power ups out of nowhere. Mm~ sudden power ups. My favorite (sarcasm) The story really doesn’t have any depth, and it certainly isn’t realistic.
For example, one of the main antagonists is basically just some psychotic kid with attachment issues. One thing that really pissed me off is that all of the villains kept saying phrases like: 'I am all powerful!
And you are weak!' “It is no use for you to try to win!” “Oh, but it was all part of my master plan!” “THIS TOO IS PART OF MY MASTER PLAN!” and then the shitty plot twist that I mentioned earlier would be another antagonist saying, “But your master plan was part of my SUPER master plan ALL ALONG! I have been using you, lesser antagonist, this whole time!” I often just sat in my chair, apathetic to all of the bullshit that the characters kept pulling out of their asses. I feel the story’s pace was much too slow, often dwelling much too long on the characterization and development of the twin stars. It wasn’t really exciting, so I didn’t feel like waiting to watch each new episode once a week.